Music + DC 18:10-16 = ???
Does music play a role in the worth of souls?
Can it do anything when it comes to how you view your own personal worth?
It's hard to say.
What seems pretty clear to me is that, music itself, being a series of vibrations floating through the air from and instrument or voice to the receptive vibrators of the listener's ear drums, does not, in an of itself, have an particular affective or intrinsic power.
But, when this form of communication... which, by the way, is one of the most powerful forms of communication because it almost always bypasses the intellect and goes straight for the emotions... when this channel is used with the intent to bring souls to God, magic happens.
DC 18:10-16
During this past weekend's remarkable General Conference​, I had many personal moments of inspiration.
But one of them had to do with this topic of music and the role it can play in the worth of souls, and the worthiness of the effort to use it as a means to bring those souls to God.
I was thinking about music in the Church during a time of total shutdown, as we're currently experiencing.
How can we use music when we're not meeting together?
For sure, we can share on social media. We can share with our families. We can sing together, play together, etc.
But during the opening hymn of the Saturday morning session, and in the musical number the choir sang directly after the opening prayer, I had a personal moment of realization of my own worth.
I often struggle seeing my own personal worth. Maybe you do too.
And I've often been too analytical when listening to music in General Conference... I'm ashamed to say.
"Oh, that modulation again... Oh, the choir sounded better with Craig Jessop... Oh, that countermelody wasn't my favorite."
I decided to turn off my brain and just soak in the spiritual message of the music.
Wow, what a beautiful flood of the spirit I experienced. It was exactly what I needed to hear and feel. I felt the Spirit telling me that God loves me. That the worth of souls... even "my" cankered soul... is great.
I really needed to hear that.
And suddenly I saw how I've been too often living in the "Upside Down" of Church music.
Try as I might, I've spent too much time in my mind, and too little time in my heart.
Music can be the most remarkable tool. But for me, I've gotta get out of my own way and let the Spirit ride on the music with the main focus of being a vehicle for the Spirit as my priority, instead of the particular use of combinations of notes and rhythms.
Yes, I believe some combinations give the Spirit a more powerful ride than others. But I'm often way too distracted by the nitty gritty to focus on what's most important.
The worth of souls, and how the musical offering brings those souls closer to God so they can... "HEAR HIM!"
I repent.
And now, I ask... because I want to learn to be better... what are you doing during this time of shutdown to draw near yourself, or to help others draw near to God through music?
I'd love to hear all about it.
I've started taking a closer look at the texts the music gives voice to and treating them much more like scripture. That makes a big difference for me.
What's making a difference for you?
I can't wait to hear all about it.
Have a great day!