8 years ago today, I got a major SMACK on the back of the head from the Spirit...
...while singing in a Catholic Mass.
I was finishing up my time in Poland studying with the mighty Pawel Lukaszewski... Poland's greatest living composer of sacred choral music.
During the special Maundy Thursday service for clergy only, our Cathedral Choir...
...who I sang with throughout the year and served as assistant conductor...
...sang a few of the Mass movements I'd composed for them.
As the jammed packed cathedral full of priests all stood and showed a powerful show of Catholic priesthood by raising their right arms in unison in joint blessing of the communion...
...I had a very arrogant LDS thought.
"Well, this is nice and all, but I'm the only one in here who holds the actual, real priesthood."
Almost immediately, I felt a royal SMACK from the Spirit.
The very clear, reprimanding, chastening thought the Spirit fed to my mind is perhaps the most powerful lesson I've ever had on the priesthood.
"That may be true... but... when people see you, do they know you've given your life to me as clearly as they know these people have given their lives to me?"
That was some serious food for thought.
I don't walk around with vestments wherever I go, drawing attention to how I've given my entire life to God.
But, shouldn't the mighty change I've had be apparent?
Should His image be engraven in my countenance?
I'm not sure I'm there yet, but I think about this lesson a lot!
And it's something I work very had to bring to bear in the music I compose.
And even when I present a piece of music in church.
Can the congregation hear, just by listening to this piece, that I've given my life to God?
Can they feel my testimony? My devotion? My intention to lay my will at the altar?
I hope so.
But I know I have LOTS of room for improvement.
But on this Maundy, Passion-week, Thursday, I'd like to share a piece that I hope you will feel something special.
In fact, it's one of the very pieces we sang in the Warsaw Cathedral that day.
When you click the link below, you can hear a performance of my "Kyrie," sung by the Polish Chamber Choir.
I hope it will add to the spirit of this week as we prepare for Easter.