Old prospector's golden hymn-conducting fanny pack

Remember when Pres. Ballard told the story of the old prospector?

Back in the days of the California Gold Rush, there was a man who sold all his belongings to move west, get gear, and dig for gold.

Like many, he figured he'd be pulling chunks out of the ground in no time.

Every once in awhile he's spot a little fleck of gold in a rock.

But it was so tiny and insignificant, that he cast it aside and moved on.

He wanted the nuggets!

After months of disappointment, he met an old prospector who asked him why he was so down.

A​fter hearing the young man talk about how he hadn't found any nuggets, only little tiny flecks every few days or so, the old prospector told him that's about all he'd found too.

​But instead of casting them aside, he collected every one of those little flecks of gold.

When he opened his fanny pack to show the young man all his flecks, the young man's jaw dropped.

His fanny pack was filled to the brim with gold.

Thousands and thousands of little tiny flecks of gold.

It's pretty amazing how quickly those little tiny flecks add up.

And so it is when working to master the craft of conducting the hymns with confidence.

Maybe you've thought...

"How will I ever become great, or even semi-decent at conducting the hymns?"

"Learning to inspire the congregation by waving my arms seems way too hard."

You'd only be human if these thoughts have crossed your mind.

And it's true, mastering the craft is challenging.

If there's one thing, and one thing alone to focus on that will do more for you and the improvement of your skills in the long run...

...it's focusing on daily consistent mediocrity.

Doing what seems mediocre, or mundane, or barely like scratching the surface...

...but doing it consistently...

...well, it really adds up.

Like those little flecks of gold.

And that's one of the best reasons to join "Conducting the Hymns with Dr. Doug" virtual workshop when it’s officially launched in a couple of weeks.

We're going to work together to keep collecting those little flecks of hymn-conducting gold.

To sign up for the waiting list, click the link below.


And just think of the music and the special spiritual moments you'll make possible when your hymn-conducting fanny pack is filled to the brim.

The sky's the limit!

Have a good one.
