Whether you spend any time focusing on church music as...
A writer/lyricist/composer...
A pianist/organist...
A singer...
A conductor...
An instrumentalist...
What's your "why"?
Will you share your story with me?
Sometimes I wonder, "What's the point of all this Church music stuff? Does anybody even care?"
And then I remember my grandmother. How many times at cousin sleep-overs did she sing...
"Ere you left your room this morning, did you think to pray?"
And how many times would she tear-up when baring down in pure testimony to all of us grandkids?
SO MANY TIMES that it's now part of my DNA.
And how many times have I had a private chat after a musical number with someone who told me my special musical number or choir number was exactly what they needed that day, that it pulled them out of the gloom?
I've lost count.
So, for me, it's not a surface thing at all. It's not to get attention. It's not to show off. It's not to shine any light on me.
It's to reflect light.
Whatever light I can gather from my own personal relationship with Heavenly Father, and reflect through the vehicle of music... the purest, most heart-rending Gospel music I can muster.
"... that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."
And so those who need to feel the comforting arm of the Spirit around them, as I've needed SO MANY times can feel His love, can hear His voice, can tangibly feel His Spirit wash over them in a wave of cleansing emotion.
So they can sense the reality of His truth, His balm, His ability to completely heal, cleanse, and warm them to the core.
So they can understand how devoted He is to them.
"Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me."
If I can be an instrument to bring these truths past the intellect, past the doubt, past the worry, confusion, skepticism, and apathy...
If I can use the powerful tool of music to bypass all this and get the Savior down into their hearts...
...that is my why.
And if I can help you do the same with your music, by spending time putting together trainings and workshops and smartphone apps...
...how great will be our joy in bringing more of our brothers and sisters a little closer to Him.
Though sometimes I question it all...
I know it's worth the effort. It's so much bigger than you or me.
So, what's your why?
Will you open up a little and share with me?
If we can be open with each other, perhaps we can be all the more effective in bringing the world His truth.
Where two or three are gathered... well... you know the rest.
Please, if you feel so inclined, hit replay and tell me your why.
I'd absolutely love to hear.
Have a good one,