I can't seem to decide...

I keep going back and forth between 2 different ideas for our next workshop.

I've had some really good feedback from workshop members.

But I can't seem to make up my mind.

So I figured I'd ask you.

Here's what I'm considering...


...a live 8-week workshop on writing Primary Songs...

...start to finish...

...whole 9 yards.


...a live 8-week workshop on Harmony & Theory...

...giving you better tools...

...better facility with the emotional language of music...

...worksheets, exercises, etc...

...you'll have a lot of tools to write all types of music.


If you don't mind, please respond and let me know which you're more interested in.

Just replay with a "1" or a "2".



P.S. I meant to tell you. I got permission! The 5 students who just came through our Original Hymn Writing class agreed to let me analyze their hymn inside the Musiversity app.

The reason I'm so excited about it is, every one of them wrote a GORGEOUS hymn! They started from scratch. Wrote their own text. Wrote their own melody, bass line, and harmony. And every one of them told me at the outset they weren't sure they could really do this. I'm so proud of them! They really DID do it.

And I'm going to show you just how beautiful their hymns are over the next few weeks. First, we've gotta get them edited and put into Finale so they're publish-ready. So, keep your eyes peeled for that.